List of active policies
Name | Type | User consent |
Student Code of Conduct | Site policy | All users |
The Gem-A online Campus Website Site Policy | Site policy | All users |
The Student Code of Conduct states the key mutual obligations and expectations between Gem-A and its students (you), providing a structure that creates a supportive learning environment.
All students must agree to the Student Code of Conduct before they are able to commence on the site. Please read the below:
Full policy
For details on your personal learning record if you are a UK student, please see the bottom of this page.
Students should read through the Student Policies and Procedures which can be found in the Student Resources section of the Online Learning Campus. To progress on your course, you will be asked to agree to abide by the rules and regulations and understand that you are bound by the disciplinary procedures outlined in this guide. This will be updated from time to time, so please refer only to the copy that can be found on the site.
Delivery and changes to your programme or this document
Gem-A is continuously developing, refining and improving its services and programmes for the benefit of its students. This may be to reflect student feedback or to accommodate changes or developments in teaching practices, facilities, or to keep areas of study up to date. This may lead to changes in the content or delivery of Gem-A’s programmes from those set out in the prospectus or website. If Gem-A decides to make a significant change to your programme of study, we will consult you in advance of the change, except where the change is required for regulatory or legal reasons, or on account of events beyond Gem-A’s control, in which case Gem-A will notify you of this as soon as possible and try to minimise any adverse impact on you.
Communication: Good communication is an essential part of our working partnership and it is important that you make sure you are familiar with the ways we will communicate with you.
We may need to contact you, your guardian/next of kin, your employer regarding issues such as attendance, conduct, progress etc. If Gem-A has to contact you, it will do so by, email or telephone to the most recent contact details that you have provided.
When communicating with you we will be courteous, respectful and responsive to your needs. When visiting Gem-A, we will, be on time to meet you or let you know if the meeting needs to be rearranged and offer a quiet place to discuss any confidential matters. When answering your emails, we will respond within 5 working days.
If you wish to contact Gem-A HQ or are required to contact Gem-A HQ on any matter, we expect you to be courteous and respectful and to always include your Student Number in any communication with us. For contact with your tutor please see the Tutors section.
We expect you to promptly inform Gem-A of any changes in your residential address or email address by contacting and ensure that any changes to your email address are amended on your online site profile. You should check that all emails from Gem-A are not directed to your junk/spam folder. Gem-A is not responsible if you fail to read notices sent to you on contact details provided by yourselves.
Payment of Fees and other charges
Gem-A will provide up-to-date fees on our website for all the courses taught by us. An instalment scheme is available for students should they wish to use it. We will contact students immediately if any fees are overdue or outstanding and you may be temporarily suspended from the course until fees due are paid. Where someone else is paying your fees you are responsible if they do not pay and failure to pay in time or explain issues will result in being denied entry to the exams and in your removal from the course.
You are expected to inform us immediately if you are unable to pay your fees in time.
Engagement and attendance
As an adult education provider, Gem-A will provide you with education services (including teaching, learning and assessments) which Gem-A considers appropriate for your programme. Gem-A will provide students with access to our online learning site throughout their course until their exam date.
Your tutor should be informed if you cannot fully participate with your studies, activities or assessments. This helps them to help you. Such reporting is also to your benefit if your tutors are asked to write references for you or if your engagement is considered a cause for concern and potential withdrawal. Students must contact their tutor if they require an extension on their assessment. Extensions will only be granted in mitigating circumstances. Please see the extensions policy.
ATC Students
Gem-A requires you to be committed to your studies and participate fully in your course and to demonstrate this through your level of engagement. This includes making good use of the resources and opportunities available to you. You should utilise resources to aid your revision such as past papers, examiners reports and mock exams provided by your tutor. You should adhere to any class rules outlined by your tutor, notify lecturers and/or admin immediately when there is difficulty accessing an activity or resource and adhere to the site policy using appropriate online etiquette and conduct.
ODL Students
For your own benefit and out of respect for your tutor and other students, you are expected to participate fully in any online forum discussions where required. You are expected to engage in a minimum of 80% of the activities that are scheduled and study for the recommended hours per week (this is outlined on your welcome email). This includes completing and submitting all assessments on time. Engagement will be assessed through the recording of your log-in activity and task completion logs. If your record of engagement falls below the required level, you will be contacted to discuss how this issue can be addressed. Unauthorised and consistent inactivity on the course will lead to you being withdrawn from your course as low attendance is a sign of impending failure. It is at the tutor's discretion to mark any work that is handed in after the scheduled deadline detailed in your course outline. The marking deadline will then start from the date of late submission.
Bullying and Harassment
Gem-A is committed to equality of opportunity, providing a fair, equitable and supportive learning and teaching environment, in which all members of the Gem-A community are treated with dignity and respect. Gem-A will not tolerate bullying, harassment or victimisation of any individual on any account. All allegations of bullying and harassment will be treated with the utmost seriousness and given careful and appropriate investigation.
Gem-A requires you to show respect to fellow students and staff whether in person or online at all times, and to comply with Gem-A’s policy on bullying and harassment and equality and diversity.
Tutors: Your tutors will provide full support throughout your studies at Gem-A.
Tutors responsibilities include:
Your tutor is responsible for providing feedback on your formal assessments (those that count towards your final grade) and feedback on any tasks, activities and homework that form part of your course.
They will mark assessments within 2 weeks after the final date of submission and all assessments will be completed in sequential order. The final deadline for marking All assessments including the project is 10 June for the June exams and 10 January for the January exams.
Mock papers or review questions will be marked within 2 weeks of the submission deadline.
ODL Tutors will mark any observation uploads activities within 5 days of posting.
Tutors will respond to your query within 48 hours. For ODL students, this will be through messages and forum posts.
Your tutor will notify you when they are away and as soon as there are any issues that could stop them from fulfilling these expectations. If a tutor is away for a length of time another tutor will be called upon to cover.
London ATC tutors will let you know of any changes in location or time of your classes or if your lessons are cancelled.
If you are studying at an ATC and need to contact a tutor out of normal class hours, we would recommend that you contact your tutor via the Moodle messaging service, giving them at least 48 hours to respond. Alternatively, you should bring any queries to your next class. If you wish to speak to your tutor before or after class, you are expected to arrange this with your tutor in advance. Your tutor is there to guide and help you, however, excessive communication outside of class hours will be discouraged. For general queries, you may also be able to contact your ATC or the Gem-A administration team.
Tutor Support
Tutors will deal with any difficulties promptly and fairly.
Tutors will notify education staff should your attendance fall below the required levels, or you do not login onto your course. London ATC tutors will hand in their registers to the education department on a weekly basis for review.
Students are expected to notify Gem-A if their tutor does not respond to their posts or mark their work within the recommended times as outlined above.
In line with our reasonable adjustments and special considerations policy, we will strive to accommodate each prospective student with special requirements for their examination or their course, by making reasonable adjustments where appropriate. We will ensure special consideration is given to students who may have been disadvantaged due to temporary mitigating circumstances which arose at or near the time of the exam.
Gem-A expects you to tell us as soon as possible if you have a disability or any other special circumstances that we may need to take into account in order to give you the support that you may need to learn with us. You should inform us should you have a medical condition that our staff should be aware of by contacting your tutor or
It is important that you maintain good communication with your tutor and/or student services, in order to assist you with any study related difficulties and for the appropriate guidance to be sent to you.
R.I Liquid
Students will be using refractive index (RI) liquid in their practical gem testing sessions or lab classes when using a refractometer. RI liquid is commonly used in gemmology when using a refractometer. The Gem-A course extensively covers the appropriate use of refractometers and therefore, to successfully complete the Gemmology Diploma, you will be required to use the RI fluid. In a classroom environment the Gem-A tutors will provide you with appropriate information regarding the RI liquid and you will be taught the recommended handling procedures. Only a tiny drop of RI liquid is used in testing and the cap on the bottle is always replaced. It is your responsibility to ensure that you appropriately follow the instructions and information provided by your tutor on the use of the RI liquid. Gloves will be provided, if you require, when using the RI liquid at the London teaching centre.
RI liquid contains diiodomethane and you may need to exercise precautions if you are pregnant, if you have certain medical conditions, and if you have sensitivity to, or are allergic to, this chemical. Again, your tutors will provide the required information on handling procedures. Please inform your tutors, so that they are aware of your needs. If you are unsure, contact your doctor for advice. If you are pregnant please consider that you may also be sensitive to the smell, which may make you nauseous.
If you are unsure about using RI liquid or if your doctor has advised against using it, please contact for further advice or for a copy of the Material Data Sheet.
Examinations and assessments
Gem-A will provide you with tuition and learning resources which, upon successful completion of the course, will lead to the award of qualifications with the appropriate national accreditation and international recognition.
We will publish exam dates on our website and prospectus as well as in course documents and online. Your assessment dates will be published on your online course page.
We expect you to read the examination policy in the student policies and procedures located in the Student Resources. It is your responsibility to read the course documentation and be aware of any course deadlines. All assessments will need to be completed by the deadlines set by your tutor. You should organise your time effectively so that you can submit any coursework, projects, homework on time and contact your tutor in advance of any issues you foresee or if you are unsure of any deadlines.
You are expected to take responsibility to book and complete the necessary lab classes (practical endorsements that form part of your ODL course)
Provided that you successfully fulfil the requirements of your programme, meet the required academic standard, pay your fees and otherwise meet your obligations as a student (as set out in the terms and conditions, policies and procedures and this agreement). Gem-A will grant you the appropriate award or qualification.
We will notify students of their results by letter which will contain your certificate should you pass and a statement of your results which will include the result, grade and mark for the individual unit.
You should contact Gem-A to update any changes of address to ensure you receive your results.
Gem-A will handle complaints in a way which is sympathetic, fair, efficient and which encourages informal conciliation, facilitates early resolution, maintains individual privacy and confidentiality, and permits useful feedback.
Students are expected to be aware of and follow the complaints procedure outlined in the policies and procedures.
Gem-A welcomes and values your views on the services that we provide, whether good or bad.
We will give you opportunities to comment on your course and exam and listen and respond to your feedback.
We expect you to participate in any feedback surveys that are provided and tell us as soon as possible when you have any concerns. You can contact or speak to your tutor directly.
Gem-A's Intellectual Property (IP) which includes course materials and online campus content as well as Gem-A logos and branding are for Gem-A's use only. Teaching materials which include any materials created within Gem-A or on its behalf that are intended to be used by staff or accessed by students for the purpose of study are the property of Gem-A. Students are asked not to breach the copyright of Gem-A or any third party by copying from the Gem-A online campus, course materials or teaching materials without authorisation.
In addition, Gem-A's IP cannot be copied, distributed, modified, adapted or uploaded onto third party applications unless prior permission from Gem-A is obtained.
Students will need to obtain permission from their Tutor or Student Support prior to audio recording classroom lectures. Please note that any such recordings should be kept for the student's personal use and are not to be distributed on any media sharing websites. Permission to record the lecture may be granted depending on the individual's circumstances. Video recordings of lectures are not permitted. Any recording should be destroyed after the examinations are complete and recordings made by students are still considered Gem-A's IP.
Gem-A claims ownership of student-created intellectual property that is created with the aid of Gem-A’s facilities or commissioned by Gem-A, this includes the student project.
Addition 11/04/2019:
Personal Learner Record
If you are based in the UK, the information you supply will be used by the Chief Executive of Skills Funding, to issue you with a Unique Learner Number (ULN), and to create your Personal Learning Record. Further details of how your information is processed and shared can be found at
Because the ULN is required for the administration of services within the education and training sector (such as the issuing of certain qualifications), you cannot opt-out of being issued with a ULN on the Learner Register.
You can opt-out of sharing your participation and achievement data through The Learning Records Service. Details of how you may opt-out of sharing your participation and achievement data within The Learning Records Service can be found at or by telephoning the Learning Records Service’s Customer helpdesk on 0845 602 2589.
The Gem-A online campus provides a range of features for the delivery, support, administration and participation in teaching and learning activities. The features include content delivery and collaboration between tutors and learners, such as:
· Content creation or upload;
· Discussion forums and chat rooms;
· Messaging tools;
· Assignments;
· Quizzes; and
· Monitoring of users' online activity.
The Gem-A online campus is integrated with the Gem-A Student Records database to enable the creation of accounts for enrolled students and their allocation to the appropriate study areas. Other software and web services may also be linked to provide an integrated learning environment for staff and students. The Gem-A online campus is defined as the Gem-A implementation of the Moodle course management system and all other linked software tools for the support and delivery of teaching, learning and research at Gem-A. Hereafter it will be referred to as 'The Gem-A online campus'.
Full policy
The Gem-A online Campus Website Site Policy
Site Policy for GDPR compliance.
The Gem-A online Campus Website Site Policy
Gem-A online campus Policy and Data Protection Statement
The Gem-A online campus is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at Gem-A. It is based on the Moodle 'Course Management System' (, a free open source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. Moodle is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
The Gem-A online campus provides a range of features for the delivery, support, administration and participation in teaching and learning activities. The features include content delivery and collaboration between tutors and learners, such as:
· Content creation or upload;
· Discussion forums and chat rooms;
· Messaging tools;
· Assignments;
· Quizzes; and
· Monitoring of users' online activity.
The Gem-A online campus is integrated with the Gem-A Student Records database to enable the creation of accounts for enrolled students and their allocation to the appropriate study areas. Other software and web services may also be linked to provide an integrated learning environment for staff and students. The Gem-A online campus is defined as the Gem-A implementation of the Moodle course management system and all other linked software tools for the support and delivery of teaching, learning and research at Gem-A. Hereafter it will be referred to as 'The Gem-A online campus'.
Purpose of the Site Policy
The purpose of the Gem-A online campus Site Policy is to specify user responsibilities and to promote the appropriate use of the Gem-A online campus for the protection of all members of the Gem-A learning community. The Site Policy applies both within and outside of Gem-A premises.
Site Policy
Please note that users include ad hoc learners attending short courses at Gem-A.
· All users must register to use the Gem-A online campus.
· All registered users must agree to the Gem-A online campus Site Policy and any other applicable policies.
These Policies cover the whole period that the user is a member of the Moodle community at Gem-A.
On registration, users must give their consent to Gem-A's processing of their personal data via the Gem-A online campus and to acknowledge Gem-A's Data Protection Statement.[LD1] [LD2]
Your Responsibilities
Users of the Gem-A online campus must agree to:
a) Not use the Gem-A online campus for anything else other than for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. However, incidental personal use, for example via the Moodle social forums, is acceptable.
b) Not use the Gem-A online campus for personal commercial use, for example marketing.
c) Not use the Gem-A online campus for uploading, storing, viewing or transmitting any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.
d) Not misrepresent Gem-A or bring it into disrepute in any way through the use of the Gem-A online campus.
e) Be responsible for moderating discussion forums which they may have created.
f) Always act in a professional manner. Be polite and courteous to others when using the Gem-A online campus. The Gem-A online campus is not to be used to libel, slander, or harass any other persons.
g) Not plagiarise in submitted postings or assignments.
h) Not breach the copyright of Gem-A or any third party by copying from the Gem-A online campus without authorisation. Copyright of the course materials and content of the Gem-A online campus are owned or controlled by Gem-A unless otherwise stated. Any copies of third-party materials will be clearly labelled with warnings about any copyright restrictions.
i) ensure that any copyright material reproduced and loaded onto Moodle conforms with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) or with[LD3] any licence agreement held by Gem-A, or has been made with the express permission of the rights holder. All reproductions must be fully acknowledged. Material not conforming to these requirements will be removed from Moodle.
j) any piece of work submitted electronically may be submitted to Turnitin (3rd party software to check for originality) and added to the TurnitinUK database.
Your Responsibilities and Data Protection
Users of the Gem-A online campus must agree to:
i) Look after their own username and password. Do not share your password with anyone else and do not use the username and password of other users.
j) Keep physical access to the Gem-A online campus secure. For example, do not login to the Gem-A online campus and then leave your computer unattended.
k) Not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of the Gem-A online campus.
l) Not post material which contains viruses or other programs which may disrupt Gem-A's systems.
m) Not upload private, confidential or sensitive material unless this is authorised.
n) Keep their own data up-to-date and secure.
o) Understand that Gem-A will not take responsibility for any loss of information, which has been posted on the Gem-A online campus, once users cease to be formally associated with Gem-A.
Certain activities will be regarded very seriously by Gem-A and are subject to severe penalties for users, including suspension of use of the Gem-A online campus.
These activities include deliberate interruption to the use of the Gem-A online campus; gaining or attempting to gain unauthorised access to any part of the Gem-A online campus or information stored therein; unauthorised disclosure of personal data; wilful or reckless infringement of any intellectual property rights of Gem-A or third parties; and the viewing, transmitting or storing any material which is (or may be considered to be) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, obscene or offensive.
Gem-A Online Campus Data Protection Statement
Your Permission
By agreeing to the following Data Protection Statement, you are giving your permission to Gem-A to process your personal data via the Gem-A online campus for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. Gem-A will also process your personal data as part of the administration of your studies at Gem-A.
The Gem-A online campus is by a third parties under contract. Gem-A and contracted third parties will deal with your personal data in accordance with the principles set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
Collection of your personal data
Gem-A collects data directly from you (e.g. from application forms, change of details forms, at events and via our website) and will create some data internally (e.g. when we assign you a student or membership ID or determine examination results). We may also collect some data from external sources. For example:
Employers and accredited teaching providers (ATCs, GAPPs) may provide Gem-A with relevant information about members and students employed by or training with them.
Gem-A's service providers (e.g. examiners or invigilators) will send Gem-A information relevant to the service they are providing.
The general public may provide information to Gem-A in relation to complaints or investigations.
Online activities: If you visit Gem-A website or online campus, we collect information about cookies and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of your device used to access the site which is used in monitoring the level of activity and services we provide. For more information, please see our website notice.
In order to use the Gem-A online campus you must have 'cookies enabled' on your web browser. By agreeing to this Data Protection Statement, you agree to allow certain information about you to be collected from the Gem-A online campus.
We collect your information by cookies. Cookies are small file structures used by the Gem-A online campus to 'request' information from the computer which you are using. This information is then returned to the Gem-A online campus and stored. The types of information we collect may include usage statistics, for example when users last logged into the system, when they accessed certain activities, or when they uploaded their assignments.
We use this information to help improve the Gem-A online campus services by ensuring that the material and content of the courses match with the users' requirement and also to make sure users are not having problems with access. The usage statistics are visible to the Gem-A online campus administrators and may be visible to your course tutors and, where applicable, authorised users from your employer's organisation.
Who will have access to your information?
Fellow students on your course and authorised persons, for example external examiners [LD4] [LD5] will have access to your name, photograph and any discussion comments you make.
Only you and authorised persons will have access to your assessment information.
For further information and help on data protection issues, please visit Gem-A: Data Protection web pages at
Please note that Gem-A reserves the right to remove, vary or amend any of the content which appears on the Gem-A online campus at any time and without prior notice.
Please also note that the Gem-A online campus may contain links to other websites outside Gem-A's control and that Gem-A is not responsible for the content or accessibility of these sites.
[LD1]Is this what actually happens and where is the Data Protection Statement and does it include processing of personal data?
[LD2]Under student resources tab and is the same document.
[LD3]This is now the correct link
[LD4]We do not have placement supervisors and the examiners as far as I know do not have access to Moodle student profiles
[LD5]Remove placement supervisors